A Dark Picture

A FRIEND not long since handed us a Southern

paper, the Galveston News, and as we were a 

little astonished at some of the vendibles in the

 advertising columns, we present a few extracts

 that our readers may participate in the 

astonishment and indignation also. 

We felt a little of both.

In one column in which were advertised cigars,

soap, candles, lard, horses, &c.,

 we find the following:

"NEGROES FOR SALE. We have just arrived and

permanently located in Galveston with a large

 lot of young and likely Virginia and North 

Carolina Negroes, which we will sell on 

reasonable terms.

We have made arrangements for fresh supplies

during the season, and will always have on hand

 a good assortment of field hands, house 

servants, and mechanics. Persons wishing to buy

 Negroes would do well to give us a call before 

purchasing elsewhere."



 family of Negroes, man 25, woman 23, and a

 very bright girl 7 years old. 

They are healthy and acclimated, 

and will be fully guaranteed." 

In another column, among advertisements of 

clothing, groceries, goats, mules &c., we find:

"NEGROES FOR SALE. We have received another

supply of Carolina and Virginia Negroes, which 

we offer for sale low for cash or good city 


Call at our Slave Depot." At the foot of another

column we have a notice of one who absconded:

"RUNAWAY from my place four miles above the

town of Wharton, Wharton county, a Negro man

named Charles, aged about 36 years, copper or 

dark griff color, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high,

 with a blemish in one eye, quick spoken, rather 

glum, little humped shouldered, &c. .I will give a

 liberal reward for the recovery of the boy 


Now young friends and aged friends, what do

you think of all this? Parents, how would you

feel to have your children toiling under the cruel

lash of these inhuman task-masters? Children,

how would you feel to have your dear parents, 

your father and mother sold and tortured by 

these brutish overseers? You have cause to

 thank your heavenly Father that the lines are

 fallen to you in a pleasant place; that you were

 not born little slaves, to labor in the sun, and to

 know scarcely anything about heaven and the

 plan of salvation. Children, think of the ocean of

 woe which is caused by this God-provoking

 system of man-oppression. Think of those who

 are torn from their parents, their brothers and

 sisters, and forced to remain in "slavery the

 vilest that ever saw the sun." Think again (this

 is a pleasant thought) that the Life-giver is soon

 coming, the year of the redeemed is at hand, 

when every man shall have a reward for the

 deeds done in the body, whether they are good

 or evil.

"Roll round, sweet moments, roll round, 

roll round."