A Dying Exhortation

THE following affecting letter should be read

thoughtfully by all. The caption is our addition,

and a recent obituary shows that the letter is 

really what it purports to be a dying exhortation.

 The writer of it was not mistaken in her 

prediction her pulse has stopped, the silver cord

 has been loosened, and she now rests in her

 narrow home beneath the clods of the valley. We

 would repeat it again, listen

to her dying admonition, embrace the hope that

she cherished, and then if it should be yours also

to "walk through the valley and shadow of 


fear not for the Life-giver is coming, and "those

that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."

A. W. A.


This is the first time that

I have written any communication for the


and in all human probability it will be the last.

I expect that before these lines are read by you I

shall be laid away in the cold and silent grave,

 there to rest until the morning of the 

resurrection. And while my strength remains I 

want to spend it in warning others not to do as I

 have done.

While in health I lived all for this world. I wanted

its honors and pleasures. But oftentimes the

good Spirit of the Lord would strive with me; still

I would resist and put it away until a more 

convenient season. But the Lord in mercy sent

 sickness upon me, and I feel that it has been for

 my good.

I can truly say with the psalmist David, "Before I

was afflicted I went astray; but now have I kept

thy word."

I feel thankful that my lot has been cast among

commandment-keepers. I believe them to be the

 children of God. I have many kind friends that

are near and dear to me, and that do all in their

power to make me comfortable; and yet I am

 willing to leave them all and rest for a little season, for Jesus has sweetened the grave. I 

feel that my sins are all forgiven, and I have a

 hope (0 it is a blessed hope!) that I shall meet

 all my friends that are faithful, on the other side

 of Jordan, in the sweet fields of Eden, 

where the tree of life is blooming, 

and Jesus will be there.

My prayer is that I may meet all the readers of

the Instructor there, especially those who have

 felt so deep an interest for my salvation. Be

 encouraged to persevere in the way of well

 doing, knowing

that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. My

dear young friends, are you preparing your 

hearts daily that you may be ready for the 

coming of the Saviour? 0, do be entreated by one

 that loves you, to give up the poor, vain 

pleasures of this world, and strive with all your

 might to gain an entrance through the gates into

 the city.

From your dying friend, 

yet one who expects to live forever. 


West Charleston, Vt.