THE Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, was written by inspiration. The Old Testament, containing thirty-nine books, was written mostly in Hebrew; the New Testament, containing twenty-seven books, was written wholly in Greek.

The first English Testament was translated by Tyndal, and printed in the year 1526. And strange does this edition seem to the reader of the present time. The first part of the last chapter of Revelation reads as follows: 

"And he shewed me a pure ryver off water off lyfe pure as cristall: procedynge oute of the seate off God and of the lambe. In the myddes off the strete off hit and off ether syde off the ryver was there wode off lyfe: which bare xn manner off frutes: and gave frute every moneth : and the leves off the wodde served to heale the people with all." The first complete English Bible was printed in 1535; and in 1611 our present Bible was translated by order of King James the First.

About the middle of the twelfth century it required the earnings of a day laborer for fifteen years to purchase a single copy of the Bible. 

Now, a copy may be had for the earnings of a few hours.  Perhaps one of the most remarkable movements of modern times is the effort being made by different societies to circulate the Holy Scriptures. Over fifty millions of Bibles and Testaments have been issued and circulated by two societies alone. At present the Bible is published in about 230 different languages. "Its voice has gone out through all the earth, and its words to the end of the world." 

Being of divine origin, it is a true guide for all men. It is a history, a counselor, a comforter, and a revealer of secrets. Men of all ages have revered its holy pages. The wise have Studied it for wisdom, the learned for its beauty, and the poor for its riches. 

It tells of our Maker and Redeemer, our origin and destiny. How then ought we to study its sayings and obey its commands!

The Bible is written in the purest and simplest language. Often, do we find the whole of a vast subject expressed in a few simple words. In no other book do we find so many beautiful thoughts, so clearly expressed. It contains some of the finest figures of rhetoric, and the most sublime writings in the English language, yet so clear and plain that even a child may read and understand. 

What other book do the ignorant and unlearned so well like to hear read? 

Would that thousands more could study and read its sacred pages; for truly it is "a Book of books." It is the child of love, and the parent of civilization and refinement. It breaks the power of sin, and lifts man from his lowest degradation.

Oh! Book of awful majesty, in whose sublime pages we see Jacob wrestling with the angel of God; or David playing on his harp and singing the song, "Praise ye the Lord; for he is good, and kind are all his ways; His precepts too are kind and true;

and ever shall remain;" or Daniel, three times each day, in his chamber, with his face toward Jerusalem, praying to his God. Yes, we can see Jesus stilling the tempest, or walking on the waves of dark Galilee; healing the blind, or weeping over the grave of Lazarus; and John, alone on the Isle of Patmos, beholding that great city, the New Jerusalem, descending from Heaven, having the glory of God. 

Its pictures are bright to the good, and dark to the ungodly. Thou Book of love and beauty, that melts the heart with reverence, that shines, the light of the widow and orphan's home, the glory of the Christian's cot, the beacon of a sinful race, thou, time- honored Book of Jehovah, shall "be our guide even unto death."