
God commands us to be kind to the poor, and

to help them as much as it is in our power. All

good people take pleasure in following the 

example of the blessed Saviour, 

“who  went about doing good." 

They never feel so happy as when

they are trying to make others happy, for this is

being like God. Even children may do something

to help their fellow-creatures who have not so

many comforts as they have. There are very few

children who could not save fifty cents in a year,

and this sum would procure a Bible for some one

who was without one, or some article of clothing

for a poor child, or something comfortable for a

sick person. And how much more pleasure would

money thus spent afford, than double the sum

wasted in buying eatables or playthings for his

 own gratification.

One day little Al had been to see his grand-

father, and had received a six-cent piece as a


When he came home he heard his dear mother,

 who belonged to a benevolent society, telling 

his father about a poor widow woman, who had

 two children, and for three months had only had

 six cents worth of food in her house. Little Al 

did not say anything, but quietly got up from the

 table, and went into the chamber, where he had

 put his money away in the drawer. Soon he 

returned, and handing the six-cent piece to his

 mother, he modestly said. "Give that to the poor

 woman." Now, this was real charity, for it was

 all that he had. And he was as fond of good 

things to eat, and of playthings, as any other 

child of his age. And this was not the first nor

 the last instance of self- denial in this little boy.

 But T hoped Al will not think that nets of 

kindness to others will ever take him to heaven.

 Neither he nor any other little boy or girl can go

 to that holy, happy place without a new heart. 

A person may have tender feelings towards 

others, without having a new heart; but if he has

 a new heart, he will love Jesus Christ best of 

all, and he will love his fellow-men, and do good 

to them for Christ's sake. And this is what is 

called "charity" in 

1 Corinthians 13, and "love" in 

John 3:4. 

The same word in Greek stands for

them both. Will my little readers find these 

passages, and read them carefully. 

Youth's Friend.


LORD, raise my youthful mind to see

How good it is to trust in thee;

From all the enemies of truth,

Do thou, Great God, preserve my youth;

Free my young mind from worldly snares,

From youthful sins and youthful cares;

And in this heart, though hard as stone,

Let seeds of early grace be sown,

That finding pardon through my Saviour's blood,

I may devote my youthful powers to God.