Doing Good.

A few days ago, says a writer in the S.

S. Times, while traveling from Harrisburg

to Pittsburgh, via the Pennsylvania Central

Railroad, I noticed a little boy, about six

years old, passing from seat to seat, handing

to each passenger something to read,

after the fashion of the peddlers who go

through the cars with dime novels and

other trash. When the boy reached my

seat, I found he had tracts, such as "Will

You Be Saved?" "Prepare to Meet Thy

God," and many others of a similar nature,

and he said, in a very distinct tone of


"Will you read a tract, sir?" and handed

me one.

Thus he went from seat to seat, giving

his tracts, until nearly all in that car were

engaged reading God's truth in the shape

of tracts given by this little hand.

Two persons, the little fellow said, told

him they were good enough without reading

his tracts. He said he thought they

were the ones that ought to read them. A

gentleman by my side said to the boy:

"Why do you give those tracts to the


His reply was prompt "To do good."

"What is your name?" said the gentleman.

Willie C."

“And where do you live?"

Near Pittsburgh."

“Do you go to Sabbath-school?"

Yes, sir; that's where I learned about

Jesus' doing good, being about his Father's

business, when a boy, and I want to do


I found, afterward, nearly every one in

the car reading tracts. Oh! What an example

and what a rebuke did Willie C.

give every older Christian in that car!

How many of us who have traveled for

years have neglected the "Master's" business

in this respect, giving the word, in

this shape, to the moving mass of humanity

who may be on their last journey?

"Sow beside all waters," is the command.

Do we do it? May God bless

little Willie and his tracts, is our prayer.

S. S. Times.