WE want to call the especial attention of our young readers to the good instruction contained in the following article from the S. S. Classmate. After reading it, we think you will choose for a motto, "Not how much; but how well." 

Study the article thoroughly, and learn to read understandingly, for therein lies a mine of knowledge. Some young people have a strange ambition to be considered "great readers." They do not use the word "great" in reference to what they learn by reading, but in regard to the number of books and pages that they read. They are not careful as to the quality. Usually this class of readers select the poorest quality, because they can get through with it quicker. Indeed, they will sometimes boast of the rapidity with which they can read books, as though it were an occasion of honest pride to read a whole volume at one sitting. They forget that it is not the amount of reading which benefits one, but the quality and the manner in which the book is used. Some get more good from a page than others from a volume.

What would be thought of one who should boast of eating everything set before him without any reference to the wholesomeness of the food? To eat large quantities of even wholesome food would be very unwise; to eat all sorts of food is a still greater folly.

Be select in your reading; read only what will do you good, and try to get all the good out of it you can. Have an ambition to be a thorough reader rather than a rapid one.

 M. J. C