No one individual occupies so prominent a place

in the New Testament as the apostle Paul. He 

was a very learned man, and about one-third of 

the New Testament is from his pen. His whole 

life was spent in doing good. He traveled far and

 near telling the people that Christ died to save

 sinners. God did many mighty works by him, and

 at last he suffered martyrdom by a cruel 

heathen king. If faithful we shall soon see Paul,

 for he has a crown laid up in heaven.

Here is an alphabetical list of sayings found in

the writings of this holy man:

A bstain from all appearance of evil.

B e not weary in well doing.

C hildren, obey your parents in the Lord.

D o all things without murmurings and 


E ndure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus


F ollow after charity.

G rieve not the Holy Spirit.

H old fast the form of sound words.

I f it be possible, as much as lieth in you, 

live peaceably with all.

J udge not one another. 

K eep thyself pure.

L et brotherly love continue.

M ind not high things.

N eglect not the gift that is in thee.

O bey them that have the rule over you.

P ray without ceasing.

Q uench not the Spirit.

R emember them that are in bonds.

S o run that ye may obtain.

T ouch not, taste not, handle not.

U nderstand what the will of the Lord is.

a V oid vain and profane babblings.

W alk in wisdom toward them that are without.

X amine yourselves whether ye be in the faith.

Y oung men likewise exhort to be sober-minded.

It is good to be Z ealously affected in a good


Take your Testaments and hunt up the places

where these texts occur, this will make you

 more familiar with the writings of the good

 man Paul.

G. W. A.