A FRIEND of mine, who had traveled in the Holy Land, told me that on the first evening he spent in Jerusalem he threw open his lattice, and, looking down the street, saw what seemed to be little stars twinkling on the pavement. As the clattering sandals of the travelers came nearer, he could see that each one had a little lamp fastened to his foot, so that every step along the narrow street might be safe. He said it brought to his memory in a moment the passage of Scripture, "Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path."

So it was, he remarked, that almost everything in the Holy Land illustrated the word of the Lord. The text quoted above was written in that same city where the little twinkling stars upon the sidewalk brought it to his memory. And it was written more than three thousand years ago.

 Lutheran Evangelist.

MAKE the world as good as you can. Do 

your part, whether other people do theirs or 



WHILE passing from San Francisco to San Diego on a boat, a short time since, I became interested in an old gentleman who was on his way to Santa Barbara. 

Although he had reached the age of one hundred and four years, and was in feeble health, his mind was very clear.  He said that his father was an officer in the American army in the Revolutionary War, and an intimate friend of George Washington. He very minutely related the circumstances of the deliverance of Washington's army when surrounded by the English on the Delaware River. A lady who was stopping with his mother in Philadelphia, in order to learn of the plans which the English had laid to destroy General Washington and his men, at the risk of her life, went among the English, and, having accomplished her object, walked ten miles in one night to inform the general of his danger. The successful accomplishment of her work proved the salvation of the American army, and was the turning point in the Revolutionary War.  I was curious to learn something of the early habits and religious sentiments of this remarkable man. I found, on introducing these subjects, that I had touched something that lay very near his heart, for while conversing, his face was all aglow with animation. He stated that he had always been a temperance man, discarding all alcoholic drinks. He also stated that he had ever taken an active part in matters pertaining to religion and the Sabbath (Sunday) school. He had always attended the latter, and been a worker in it, until prevented from doing so by feebleness. He had now settled up his business, and was going to spend the few remaining days of his life with his daughter. He did not expect to live long, and felt ready to lay off his armor, ready to meet his God.  Since meeting this old gentleman, I have thought of the family, and wondered how many of them were taking that interest in the study of God's word that they should take, that if their bodies were wasted away by disease, their minds would still dwell upon those things which pertain to God and eternal life. My mind reverted to a little Sabbath-school scholar of my acquaintance, who, having become unable to raise his hands, used to have the INSTRUCTOR placed before him so that he could read it. After he had read one side, it was turned for him so that he could read the other side. After having read it all he desired to, he would have it sent South for other children to read. This he called his missionary work. His interest in these things ceased only with his life.  It is by our thoughts and affections that we connect with God, and it is because of this connection, through Christ, that we shall finally be translated and taken home to Heaven. 


WE waste our time in moments, 

our money in dimes, 

and our happiness in trifles.



THERE is a school in Philadelphia called the Spring Garden Institute, where an interesting experiment is being tried. Shops have been fitted up for the boys to work in, 

part of every day. They practice common carpenter work, turning, forging, and iron work generally, under the direction of good foremen, who will also give lectures upon materials and the use of tools.

Such schools are common in Russia and other parts of Europe. We believe that 

they will succeed well here, if the boys are old enough. Little boys need to play a great deal for their proper growth and development; but boys and girls, when they have got most of their growth, ought to have a good lesson in work every day.