Asking Father.

A GENTLEMAN of fine social qualities, al-

Always ready to make liberal provisions for the

gratification of his children, a man of science,

and a moralist of the strictest school, was

skeptical in regard to prayer, thinking it 

superfluous to ask God for what nature had

already furnished ready to hand. His eldest

son became a disciple of Christ. The father,

while recognizing a happy change in the

spirit and deportment of the youth, still

harped upon his old objection to prayer as

unphilosophical and unnecessary.

"I remember" said the son, " that I once

made free use of your pictures, specimens,

and instruments, for the entertainment of my

friends. When you came home you said to

me, "All I have belongs to my children, and

I have provided it on purpose for them; still I

think it would be respectful always to ask

you, father before taking anything.' And so,"

added the son, "although God has provided

everything for me, I think it respectful to ask

him, and to thank him for what I use."

The skeptic was silenced; and he has

since admitted that he has never been able

to invent an answer to this simple, personal,

sensible argument for prayer. 


FAITH, amid the disorders of a sinful life,

is like the lamp burning in an ancient tomb.