When May Children Come To Jesus.

THEY should come at once, for now is the 

accepted time; the Bible nowhere invites them 

to come tomorrow. Today you may repent, and

have your sins forgiven; this very hour you may

become an adopted son or daughter of the Lord

Almighty. Jesus Christ even now waits to

 receive and welcome you.

An old man one day taking a child on his knee

entreated him to seek the Savior now, to pray to

him and love him. The child looking up at him.

asked. "But why don’t you seek God?" The old

man deeply affected, answered, ill would, my

child, but my heart is hard, my heart is hard."

An intelligent and well-educated boy about

twelve years of age, attending a meeting held for

conversation and prayer with those anxious on

 the subject of religion, inquired of one who was

 assisting the pastor, what he must do to be


He was told to "go home and read the Bible, and

pray to God for a new heart." "But." said the

little boy with deep emotion, “Sir, I am afraid I

might die before I get home, and then it will be

too late." The good man invited him to kneel at

once and seek the forgiveness of his sins. The

little boy complied with the last advice and went

home rejoicing in hope; and now, for over thirty

years he has been a consistent member of the

church of Christ. Yes, children,

" 'Twill save you from a thousand snares,

To mind religion young;

Grace will preserve your following years,

And make your virtues strong."

A Beautiful Reply.

A YOUNG girl, about seven old, was asked by

an atheist how large she supposed her God to

be; to which she, with admirable readiness,


"He is so great the heavens cannot contain

him, and yet so kindly condescending as to dwell

in my little heart.

A Spoiled Child.

THE tragic murder of Dr. Parkman, of Boston,

by Professor Webster, filled the community with

horror. A chain of circumstantial evidence 

proved his guilt, and he was condemned to

 death. In his prison, petitioning the governor for

 a milder punishment, he confesses the crime, 

declaring it was not murder from malice 

prepensely, but manslaughter from uncontrolled

 momentary passion.

He says, "I am irritable and passionate;

a quick-handed and brisk violence of temper has

been a besetting sin of my life. I was an only

child, much indulged, and have never acquired

the control over my passions which I ought to

have acquired early; and the consequence is all


The Little Boy's Rebuke.

A LITTLE boy came with his sister to pay an

 afternoon's visit to a lady of his mother's


He was four years old, very bright and

talkative, and among the many things which

pleased him, he was most pleased with the dog.

The dog's name was Tom. At supper-time, Tom

took his seat beside his mistress' chair, waiting

 for his cup of milk. This, Albert thought was very

funny. As they gathered round, the lady's 

husband was called out, and as there was much

 talk among the little folks, the usual blessing 

was not asked at table; indeed, the lady had 

never been in the habit of doing this duty herself,

 so she began to pour out tea.

But the omission hurt the little boy's feelings;

he turned from the dog, and looking seriously up

into the lady's face, "Father prays?” he said. As

she did not seem to mind this, he added, "if

father don't mother prays." Then the lady 

understood his meaning; she thanked the little

 boy in her heart, and felt very humble, that from

 the "mouths of babes and sucklings" she needed

 tobe told her duty. Henceforth she never forgot

it. How precious are the fresh little shoots of

Christian education. 

Child's Paper.