A GENTLEMAN once said to his physician, "I should think, doctor, that at night you would feel so worried over the work of the day that you would not be able to sleep."

"My head scarcely touches the pillow till I fall asleep," replied the physician. "I made up my mind," he continued, "at the commencement of my professional career, to do my best every time, under all circumstances, and so doing I am not troubled by any misgivings."

What a good rule is here laid down for us all to follow. "Too many are disposed to say, 'No matter how I do this work now; next time I'll do better. No matter how I learn this lesson in the primary class; when I get older then I'll study.' As well might the mother in knitting a stocking say, ' No matter how the top is done; even if I do drop a stitch now and then, I'll do better when I get farther along.' What kind of a stocking would that be? As well might the builder say,' I don't care how I make the foundation of this house; anything will do here; wait till I get to the top, then I'll do good work."

Says the Wise Man, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." 

No matter how humble your present work, be it sewing, cooking, washing dishes, or doing chores, determine to make a success of it by doing your best every day. 

This habit once established will bring almost certain success should you ever be called to engage in some greater work. The world is suffering today because there are too many half-hearted people in it. Begin while young. Make it a rule never to half do a thing. Why there are so few master workmen in the world, why so few who are qualified to bear responsibilities, is simply because they failed to see the importance of being thoroughly in earnest in performing the little duties of life which combine to form the mighty whole. 

Oh for words to inspire all with a burning and lasting determination to do their best every time, to give their undivided attention for the time being to the subject under consideration, or to the work to be performed. Our future usefulness and consequent happiness depend upon how we perform the duties of the present moment, be they great or small. How many will show by their actions from this time onward that they are "determined to do their best every time"? 

M. K. W.