THE great clock at Strasburg, SO long considered one of the wonders of the world, has recently been quite eclipsed by the work of a Detroit artisan. The American National and Astronomical Clock, as it is called, is now on exhibition in Chicago, and is the admiration of all who have seen it, a marvelous triumph of skill, ingenuity, and patient labor.

Felix Meier, the inventor, is a Bavarian by birth. He came to this country about thirteen years ago, and for nearly ten years he has been employed on his great work. This clock tells not only the hours and minutes of the day, but the days, weeks, months, and seasons of the year, the correct movements of the sun and moon, the earth and other planets, for 200 years, including leap-years, and shows many things besides.

It is 18 feet in height, and of handsome proportions; the framework is of black walnut, elegantly carved. In the place usually occupied by the dial is a huge "basin," or circular recess, with a blue back-ground studded with silver stars; a large brazen ball in the center represents the sun, around which all the planets revolve. Arranged around this circle, on the frame-work of the clock, are thirteen small dials, which tell the time of day at all the great cities of the world. On a marble dome above the circle sits Gen. Washington in his chair of state, protected by a canopy. On each side of the main body of the clock are carved niches containing human figures emblematic of the march of life. These figures have bells and hammers in their hands.

At the end of every quarter-hour an infant in his niche strikes with a tiny hammer on the bell which he holds in his hand; at the end of each half-hour a youth strikes; 

at the end of three-quarters, a man; at the end of each hour, a graybeard. A grinning skeleton representing Father Time then follows with a measured stroke to toll the hour, a carved angel on each side of him flaps his wings to show that "time flies," and a large music box begins to play. Washington then rises from his chair, and a door on the left is opened by a Negro servant to admit a long line of presidents, including President Hayes, each dressed in the costume of his time. They pass in file before Washington, bow, and disappear through an opposite door, which is closed behind them by a second servant. Washington then sinks back into his chair, and all is quiet save the tick of the huge pendulum and the ringing of the quarter-hours, until another hour has passed.

You will all agree that this clock is worthy of the praise, which it has received. But all its beautiful carving and nicely adjusted machinery cannot be compared with the wonderful mechanism of the human body. This masterpiece of the Creator's skill should receive our most careful study; for a knowledge of its laws will enable us to live happier and more useful lives here, and will be an important aid in securing immortal life hereafter.

M. A. D