True Courage.

A LITTLE drummer boy in one of the regiments

during our late war had become a

great favorite with the officers, as well as

with the privates, by his unremitting good humor

and straightforwardness. One day,

while he was in the tent of an officer, the tippling

glass was passed from one to another.

A captain passed a glass to the boy; but the

little fellow manfully refused it, saying, "Sir,

please excuse me, for I am a cadet of

 temperance and do not taste strong drink."

"You must," said the captain. "You belong

to our mess today, and to refuse to

drink with us would be unmanly and impolite."

Still our young friend stood as firm as a

rock on total abstinence, and held fast to his


"He is afraid to drink," said the captain;

"he will never make a soldier." Whereupon

the major, who happened to be present, and

who was adorned with more gold lace than

manliness, said:

"I command you to take a drink, and you

know to disobey orders, the penalty is death."

Our little hero, raising his young form to

its full height, fixing his bright, clear eyes

upon the officer, said, "Major, my father died

a drunkard; my brother fills a drunkard's

grave. Each of them sometime in his life

touched his first glass of intoxicating drink.

I have my first glass yet to taste. And when

I entered the army, I promised my mother

while on her bended knees, that with the

help of almighty God I would not taste of

strong drink, and I mean to keep my promise.

I am pained to disobey orders from my

superiors, but I would rather suffer than to

break my word and disgrace a loving mother

who reposes confidence in her absent boy."

From that time our young hero had hosts

of friends. May God bless all such boys,

and guide them in the path of duty.