I Am Going Home

"Death has been here, and borne away

A brother from our side,

Just in the morning of his life,

As young as to, he died.

Not long ago he filled his place,

And sat with us to learn;

But he has run his mortal race,

And never can return.

Perhaps our time may be as short;

Our days may fly as fast;

O Lord, impress the solemn thought

That this may be our last!"


Aehfield, Mass., Sept. 29, 1854.

 "I am going Home."

WE once knew a little boy who loved the

Saviour, and who, young as he was, loved to talk

of heaven, and his treasures there. But we shall

never see his sparkling eye and his smiling face

in the Sabbath-School again, for we have laid

him in the grave.

All who were acquainted with him loved

him; and we have thought that perhaps many

who never knew him, might love to read of

him. It is but a short time since he died, being

only six years of age. About six months

before his death, he was taken ill of that fearful

disease, consumption, and in spite of every

effort, he gradually wasted away until he died.

He seems soon to have become sensible that

his time to die was at hand, and with a calmness

that spoke of bright hopes, he often said,

If it is my Father's will that I live, I would

live to do good; but if it is his will that I die,

I know that he will give me the kingdom." 

Although he suffered much, being seldom free

from severe pain, yet from the beginning of his

illness to his death, he never uttered a single

complaint. "It is all for the best," he said, and

patiently bore it. "Don't worry," he would say

to his mother, “I don't; I shall have no more

pain when I get to heaven."

We have seldom seen an individual whose

thoughts appeared to be so fixed upon things

above, his treasure and his heart seemed to be

there. While suffering the severest pain, he

appeared to be happy, believing that through

all his difficulties here, his heavenly Father

would bear him safely home to glory.

It was his delight often to have some one in

whom he had confidence kneel by his side and

pray; in which exercise he would often join

with an intelligence and earnestness apparently

far beyond his years. His greatest anxiety

seemed" to be that his sister and brother might

meet him in heaven, and he would not be 

contented until they had promised to do this.

 May they never forget that promise!

When his last day had come, and his last

hour, strange as it may appear, he seemed to

feel that they were his last; and he called his

dear parents, with his brother and sister to his

side, and bade them his last good bye; then

closing his eyes, like one falling into a quiet

sleep, he softly spoke his last words, "I am 

going home, mother; yes, mother, I am going


S. S. Advocate.

  “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  

  Then we, which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” 

 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18