Look On The Bright Side.

LOOK on the bright side, for it is the right

side. What if the clouds for a moment hide

the blue sky from view? Will it drive them

away to wear a sad and gloomy countenance?

When the storm clouds gather, shall we complain

of being deprived of the sun's rays?

The sky appears blue ten times where it appears

black once. Clouds may cast dark

shadows for a time; but the sun still shines as

brightly beyond them. It is the rain, as well

as the sunshine, that makes the flower. When

nature is refreshed by the summer's shower, no

one complains of the cloud that brought it,

though it was ever so dark.

You have troubles, have you? So have

others. None are free from them. Each

trial may be given for some purpose. It is

said that "troubles give sinew and tone to

life, fortitude and courage to man." Certainly,

we should not be saddened and discouraged

by them. The sailor would never

get skill where there was nothing to disturb

the surface of the sea. Does not time always

change the darkest night into day?

Heaven cannot smile upon that Christian

who complains of the obstacles thrown in his

way. What would be the state of society

now, had it not been for the great Reformation?

But suppose Martin Luther and Melancthon

had given up their efforts to accomplish

a reform, when they met difficulties sufficient

almost to distract them. We have reason

to be thankful today for their perseverance,

and energy, and good courage. They knew

what it was to have a firm trust in a kind

Providence. They leaned upon One stronger

and mightier than they; and that is the privilege

of every one who reads this article.

Please read the 16th chapter of Acts. Suppose

Paul and Silas, after being stoned, beaten

with many stripes, and cast into that wretched

prison, had reasoned with each other in this

way: We have given up all for Christ, have

done the best we could; but now he has forsaken

us, and we are left to these merciless

Jews. If we live through this, we will keep

out of such difficulties hereafter. Was this

the case with them? Oh! No. They were

cast into the inner prison, their feet elevated

and made fast in the stocks. They had to lie

on their backs, which were lacerated and

bleeding, and no doubt quivering with pain.

Did they groan and complain about it? No.

They prayed, sang, and praised the Lord. It

was a privilege to them to "suffer with Christ."

Theirs was a sad experience; but it had a

bright side. They were inclined to make the

best of it, and the consequence was, the Lord

sent an earthquake which shook the foundations

of the prison, opened its doors, and

they were set free. They did not seek the

sympathy of others, but on stepping out of

the prison, their first words were to exhort

those around them to believe on Christ. 'Tis

said of Paul that he comforted his brethren.

There is a dark, a rough, a stormy, side to

life; but let us ever look on the other side;

for "there is more virtue in one sunbeam

than in a whole hemisphere of clouds and
