Misspent Evenings.

THE boy who spends an hour of each evening

lounging idly on the street corner,

wastes, in the course of a year, three hundred

and sixty-five precious hours, which if applied

to study would familiarize him with the

rudiments of almost any of the familiar sciences.

If in addition to wasting an hour of

each evening, he spends ten cents for a cigar,

which is usually the case, the amount

thus worse than wasted would pay for ten of

the leading periodicals of the country.

Boys, think of these things. Think how

much precious time and good money you are

wasting, and for what? The gratification

afforded by the lounge on the corner, or by

the cigar, is not only temporary, but positively

hurtful. You cannot indulge in these

practices without seriously injuring yourselves.

You acquire idle and wasteful habits,

which will cling to you through life, and

grow upon you with each succeeding year.

You may in after life shake them off, but the

probabilities are that the habits thus formed

in early life will remain with you till your

dying day.

Be warned, then, in time, and resolve that

as the hour spent in idleness is gone forever,

you will improve each passing one, and

thereby fit yourselves for usefulness. 
