THAT amusement is good in its time and place is conceded by every one. All need relaxation from work; but time and strength spent in amusement that does not bring the desired end, rest, are worse than lost. It should be remembered that every waste, whether of vital energy, time, or money, will be felt; if not now, yet most certainly a little farther on in life. It is best, therefore, to choose only such kinds of recreation as will afford rest and change without over-taxing physical strength or impairing the mind.

To many the seasons of rest do not come often, and are like oases in a desert green, fresh spots around which cluster pleasant memories. But a large share of our readers are children and youth, and the burdens of life rest lightly; therefore amusement is not so much needed; yet young people and old, students of all ages and classes, and even children require relaxation from an accustomed routine.

But the question which agitates so many minds is, What sort of amusement is allowable for a Christian? To worldlings, everything is open; no bars of duty, no scruples of conscience, hinder the enjoyment. The gay dance, the frivolous companion, dress, fiction, cards, and the fashionable party are all attractive to them; but to use the hours of the night, which are given us for sleep that our bodies may be refreshed, in hilarity, in company with vicious and wicked associates, is not right for a Christian, for it demoralizes the character, and unfits for the stern realities of life.

There are many pleasant and profitable ways of spending leisure time. Of all amusements that can be imagined, there is nothing like an entertaining book it cheers, enlivens, rests. To those whose work confines them indoors, there is nothing equal to coasting, breathing the invigorating air of heaven, till every drop of blood feels its intoxicating effect, and dances along through the veins as though mad. With the opening of spring, our botanical friends will need no other amusement than their excursions into the fields and woods for the treasures of mother earth. The lessons that nature teaches are fresh and pure, brightening, exalting, and vivifying the character.

Nature, home, and friendship will furnish abundant resources for amusement to the Christian; but whether our time is spent in one way or another, let us make the most of ourselves. Let us have a high standard at which to aim, and not engage in anything that will tend to lower it in the least, or to separate us from Christ.

V. A. M.