The Handsome Cloak.

Two young men were in the Persian army

together, Darius and Syloson. Syloson one

day walked in the market place wearing a

a handsome red cloak, which Darius admired

very much and wished to purchase. Syloson

would not sell it, but made it a present to

Darius, who accepted it with many thanks.

Afterward, when Darius became king, and

was visited by Syloson, he expressed himself

as anxious to make some return for this 

present; whereupon Syloson asked to be put in

possession of the island of Samos, which had

belonged to his brother, but had, since his

death, been held by one of his officers. Darius

immediately raised an army, captured

the island, and gave it to his friend.

This seems to have been a very great return

for a small favor, but I can tell you of

a still greater and more wonderful compensation

for a small gift.

Did you ever give anything away that you

would like to have kept for yourselves? Yes,

you can all remember sometime when you

have denied yourselves for others. But why

did you do so? Was it simply because you

are fond of obliging, or because the Saviour

told us to do good to all? Well, if we give

simply" a cup of cold water to a disciple in

the name of a disciple," we shall not lose

our reward; but the great King of kings and

Maker of all things will say to us: "Inasmuch

as ye have done it unto one of the

least of these my brethren, ye have done it

unto me." And he shall say, "Come, ye

blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom

prepared for you from the foundation of the


Children's Friend.


I THINK not of tomorrow,

Its trial or its task.

But still, with child-like spirit,

For present mercies ask.

With each returning morning,

I cast old things away 

Life's journey lies before me

My prayer is for today.