Water, in many places in Asia, is not so plentiful as it is in our own country, and many of the inhabitants suffer, and even die, with thirst. Water is so scarce and so highly prized by them that they call it the "Gift of God;" and persons called water carriers go through the streets carrying water upon their backs in large leathern bottles made from the skins of animals. As they pass along the street, they cry, "The Gift of God. Who will buy?"

How thankful we should be that we live in a more favored clime, and that water, pure and cold, as when Adam and Eve first slaked their thirst in Paradise, is to be obtained without money, and without price. Now, the design of this article is not only to remind you of the gratitude due the Creator for this inestimable blessing, but to call your attention to another gift of God, which far surpasses it in value. This gift is eternal life. What a princely gift! No one but Jehovah could offer such a gift. He has given us richly of all things, not sparing even his only begotten Son, that through him he might offer us eternal life, which we have forfeited by disobedience.

Shall we hesitate to accept this gift so freely offered? It seems strange that any one should; and yet many are undecided whether to choose life or death. Beware lest hesitating too long it becomes too late, and you take up with the doleful lamentation, 

"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."  Shall we utterly reject this great gift?  It seems incredible that any one should; yet multitudes are doing this. And for what are they rejecting it? For a few fleeting, sinful pleasures; for the gifts of earth that fade and perish with the using.

O reader, stop and consider before you rashly reject this priceless gift. If you think so much of this life that is so brief, can you not place a just estimate upon that life that never ends? In this life everything is so uncertain; there is more of disappointment than success; more of sorrow than joy. But in the future life that is offered as a reward for a well-spent life here, there will be happiness without alloy.

Tongue cannot express, pen convey, nor the artist portray, the glories of Heaven, or the bliss of its inhabitants. Let us, then, not despise, but accept, and so become the happy recipients of this gift of God, which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 


Battle Creek, Mich.


I HAVE an invitation for children. What child does not like to be invited? It is a written one. Is it a dinner? It is to eat and drink. Is it to spend the afternoon? It is to stay. Is it to have a good time? An excellent time. Is it to meet somebody? Yes, a King. It is a printed invitation. Can I read it? It is printed plain, in only three little words, so that children just learning to read can read it for themselves. That is nice; is it not? It is simple, in order that they can understand it.

Must we dress? Perhaps I have nothing fit to wear. That is no matter; give yourself no trouble on that score. Something will he provided for you. If you go, you will have a dress. You need a suitable garment for the occasion. Can I go? You can. I hope you will not think of refusing. 

I hope your parents will not refuse for you. There is no danger in going; there is no   difficulty in going; the way is straight. Tell me what the invitation is. Here it is: "Come unto me." It is from the Lord Jesus. His table is spread with bread from Heaven. At his right hand are pleasures forevermore. Joy is there; peace is there; love is there. You will have a robe of righteousness; you will find the pearl of great price; you will wear the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Jesus will come and get you. He invites you. Are you ready? "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly." Happy, happy child, if that is your answer. 

Child's Paper.