Bread Upon The Waters.

Nearly half a century ago, long before railroads

were invented a stage-coach used to run

every day between Glasgow and Greenock in

Scotland. One day, a lady who was traveling

in this coach, noticed a boy walking barefooted,

and looking very tired as he struggled

to get along. She asked the coachman to

take him up and give him a seat, and she

would pay for it. When they arrived at the

inn at Greenock, which is a seaport town, she

asked the boy what he had come there for.

He said he wished to be a sailor, and hoped

some of the captains would engage him.

She gave him half-a-crown, wished him success,

and told him to be a good boy, and try

to love and serve God.

After this, twenty years passed away.

One afternoon the coach was going along

that same road, returning to Glasgow.

Among the passengers was a sea-captain.

When they reached about the same spot just

referred to, the captain observed an old

lady on the road, walking very slowly, and

looking very tired and weary. He asked

the driver to put her in the coach, as there

was an empty seat, and he would pay for her.

Shortly after, as they were changing horses,

all the passengers got out except the captain

and the old lady. As they were alone, the

lady thanked the captain for his kindness in

giving her a seat, as she was unable to pay

for one. He said he had always felt a pity

for poor, tired foot-travelers, for twenty years

ago, when he was a poor boy traveling on foot

near this place, some kind-hearted lady ordered

the coachman to take him up, and paid

for his seat. "I remember that very well,"

said she, "for I am that lady; but my condition

is very much changed. Then I was

very well off, but now I am reduced to poverty

by the bad conduct of a prodigal son."

Then the captain shook hands with her,

and said how glad he was to see her. "I

have been very successful," said he, "and am

now going home to live on my fortune; and

now, my good friend, I will settle twenty-five

pounds [a hundred dollars] upon you

every year, as long as you live." God paid

her back again more than a hundred-fold,

what she gave in pity to that poor boy.

 Dr. Newton's  " Best Loan,"