The Bible Is the Root.

A BRAHMIN in Mysore, India, was led by the Holy Spirit to inquire into the truth of Christianity. He read the Scriptures and religious tracts very eagerly. He was deeply impressed with the Pilgrim's Progress; "that book is better than the Bible.  "His teacher (Mr. Sanderson, the missionary) did not think it desirable to give a direct contradiction to that statement, but he taught him the difference by a sort of parable. Pointing to a scene before him, he said to him, "Do you see that beautiful mango tree there?"

"Yes," was the answer.

"Don't you see the beautiful fruit, which drops its nectar upon the ground?"


"Don't you eat the fruit and enjoy its sweetness?"


"And where would that tree be if there were no root to the tree?" "Oh," said the man, "now I see what you mean; the Bible is the root, and all other good books in the world spring from it."

He never afterward said that any book was better than the Bible.  It pleased God so to bless the teaching of his own word that this poor man became a humble and earnest Christian, and his own son and daughter have grown up to be useful workers among the heathen around.


We read too much and think about what we read too little; the consequence is, the most of the people we meet know something, in a superficial way, about almost everything. Not a tenth part of what is read is remembered for a month after the book or newspaper is laid aside. Daniel Webster who had a rich store of information on most every subject of general interest, said that it had been his habit for years to reflect for a short time on whatever he read, and so fix the thought and ideas worth remembering in his mind. Any one who does this will be surprised to find how retentive his memory will become, or how long after reading an interesting article, the best portion of it will remain with him.

 Templar's  Magazine.