LITTLE Carrie was a heathen child, about ten years old, with bright black eyes, dark skin, curly brown hair, and slight, neat form.

A little while after she began to go to school, the teacher noticed one day that she looked less happy than usual.

"My dear," she said, "why do you look so sad?"

"Because I am thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"O teacher! I do not know whether Jesus loves me or not."

"Carrie, did Jesus ever invite little children to come to him?"

The little girl repeated the verse, "Suffer little children to come unto me," which she had learned at school.

"Well, who is that for? "In an instant Carrie clapped her hands with joy, and said, "It is not for you, teacher, is it? For you are not a child. No; it is for me! For me!"

From that hour Carrie knew that Jesus loved her, and she loved him back again with all her heart.

Now, if the heathen children learn that Jesus loves them, and believe his kind words as soon as they hear them, ought not we who hear so much about the dear Saviour, to believe and love him too? Every one of us ought to say, "It is for me! For me!" and throw ourselves into the arms of the loving Saviour.


The Morning Light.