Lessons From The Clock

WHEN the clock strikes One, remember there

is one God, the Creator of all things.

When the clock strikes Two, remember the

two great commands to love God with all

the heart, and our neighbor as ourself.

When the clock strikes Three, remember the

 three names in which we are baptized, the 

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

When the clock strikes Four, remember the four

evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

When the clock strikes Five, remember the five

foolish virgins who took no oil in their lamps.

When the clock strikes Six, remember that in six

days the Lord made the heavens and earth, and

 all that in them is.

When the clock strikes Seven, remember that

 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy

 God, and keep it holy.

When the clock strikes Eight, remember the

 eight persons that entered the ark and were


When the clock strikes Nine, remember the nine

lepers that were cleansed, and returned no 

thanks for their cure. 

When the clock strikes Ten, remember the ten

commandments that God wrote with his own 

finger on two tables of stone.

When the clock strikes Eleven, remember that

none were called after the eleventh hour.

When the clock strikes Twelve, remember the

twelve gates of the City of God, and seek to

 enter there. 


North Stockholm, 
