A GENTLEMAN was walking one evening, with his little daughter, upon a high bank, beneath which ran a canal. The child was pleased with the look of the glistening water, and coaxed her father to take her down to it.

"The water looks so pretty. Please papa, do take me down there," she said.

The bank was very steep and the road a mere sheep-path. In getting down, the gentleman had to take hold of his little girl's arms and swing her from point to point. While doing this, she would sometimes be hanging directly over the water. Yet she only laughed and chuckled, but was not the least bit afraid, although she really seemed to be in danger.

At last they got down the bank and reached the towpath in safety. Then, taking up his daughter in his arms, he said: "Now tell me, Sophy, why were you not afraid when you were swinging in the air, right over the water?"

"Why," said she, "papa had hold of Sophy's hand; Sophy couldn't fall!"

Here was perfect trust. And this is just the feeling David had toward God when he said, "What time I am afraid I will trust in thee." Sophy would have screamed with terror to find herself hanging over the water in the canal, unless she had had confidence in the person who had hold of her arms. But it was her father her kind, loving father who held her, and so, what time she would have been afraid she trusted in him. And this is the feeling that we ought to have toward God. The thought of his power should lead us to trust him. 

Richard Newton.

CHARITY is never lost. 

It may meet with ingratitude, 

or be of no service to those 

on whom it was bestowed; 

yet it ever does a work 

of beauty and grace 

upon the heart of the giver.