Standing For The Right


WHAT do you suppose that boy in the picture is talking about, that he dares to stand up so boldly   before the great general? He seems to be very much in earnest, and the boys behind him are all looking to see what the general will say about it. The fine looking officer is General Gage, who commanded the British troops that were in Boston just before the Revolutionary war. The boys are the sons of the people who lived in Boston, and they have come to complain of the soldiers who had torn down their snow forts and houses on the common, and called the boys little rebels, because their parents were in favor of liberty.

The boys were very bold to come before the general with such a complaint, but they knew they were in the right, and that took away all their fear. The general was so much pleased with their courage that he gave orders to his soldiers to let the boys and their snow forts alone.

I hope all the   children will remember that when they stand for the right, they need never fear, and may always be bold in the Lord; for if he is for us, he is more than all that can be against us.

W. C. G.