The Narrow Way.

ONE pleasant Sabbath-day as I was going to

meeting I was struck with the narrowness of

the road that leads to life. It was like this:

I was walking along the railroad, on one of

the bars of iron, when the thought struck me,

 what a fit illustration this is of the path which

 leads to heaven. I noticed that as long as I kept

 my eye on the track, I could walk with ease, and

 without danger of falling off; but let a bird fly up,

 or anything attract my attention at the side of 

the road, off I would go. So it is in traveling the

 road to life. The way is strait and narrow, and

 while we keep our eyes steadily fixed on the

 prize we do well; but let Satan present the 

attracting things of this world, and we notice

 them, and we are sure to fall.

Then let us press on resolutely, and not notice

 the cunning suggestions of the enemy of 

mankind, and at last gain a home in the new 



Fairfield, Iowa