It  says in Rom. 8:28, "All things work together for good to them that love God." This is a fact frequently verified in the lives of Christian people; yet, to judge from appearances only, it might sometimes seem as if God did not remember his promise. But he assures us that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that he changes not; therefore we know his promises cannot fail; that either his followers do not come up to the standard of righteousness required to merit his especial care, or else do not always understand the workings of his providence.

We are not promised a smooth passage on the voyage of life; on the contrary, the work of purifying, making white, and trying us, fit for the Master's use, is best wrought by trial and affliction, which wean the affections from the world. But if the heart be right with God, the individual may submit his ways to him, resting assured that he will be led in a way which will in the end be best for him, even though not in a path strewn with roses.

As an example of trust worthy of imitation we mention the case of a little French boy, who went by the name of "Little Peter." Although he was left an orphan at an early age, he remembered the instruction of his father, whose dying words were, "Peter, you will have many troubles when you are left alone in the world, but remember all comes from above." This little boy not only acknowledged every gift, but every misfortune, as coming from above.

It was Peter's lot to beg his bread from door to door, but he sang sweetly, and people seldom turned him away empty-handed. But he met with some mishaps, which, to a child of less faith, might have received Jacob's interpretation, "All these things are against me." "Once, as Peter was passing through the town, a sudden wind blew off a roof tile, which fell on his shoulder and struck him to the ground. His first words were, 'It comes from above.' 

The bystanders laughed, for of course the tile could not fall from below. A minute after, the wind tore off an entire roof in the same street, which crushed three men to death. Had Peter gone on, he would probably have been at that moment where the roof fell.

"Another time a gentleman employed him to carry a letter to a neighboring town, bidding him make all haste. On the way Peter tried to spring over a ditch; but it was so wide that he fell in and was nearly drowned. The letter was lost in the mud, and never recovered. When Peter got out of the ditch, he exclaimed, 'It comes from above.'

"The gentleman was angry when Peter told him of his mishap, and drove him out of doors with a whip. The next day the gentleman sent for him; 'See here,' said he, 'there are two ducats for you for tumbling into the ditch. Circumstances have so changed that it would have been a misfortune to me had the letter gone safely.'

"A rich Englishman who came into the town, having heard his story, sent for him in order to bestow upon him some charity. When "Little Peter" entered the room, the Englishman said,' What think you, Peter; why have I sent for you?' 'It comes from above,' replied Peter. This answer pleased the Englishman, who took him home and provided well for him. Long afterward the rich Englishman died and bequeathed a large sum of money to " Little Peter," who became a wealthy and honorable man in Birmingham."

"In all thy ways acknowledge God, and he shall direct thy paths."  Keep one hand in your Heavenly Father's, and trust him to guide; if, in his infinite wisdom, he sees best to lead you through the ditch, or the fiery furnace even, remember he seeth the end from the beginning, and doeth all things well.

 M. J. C.