Jordan Valley
THE extent of this country is not great. That which was given to God's people is one thing, and that which they occupied is another. The stretch of land actually occupied by them, generally called Palestine, is some 180 miles in length by 65 or 70 in breadth. There is a striking resemblance between the general outline of Palestine proper and that of the State of New Hampshire, the Connecticut River answering to the Mediterranean. Nor is the difference in extent very great, the length of New Hampshire from north to south being 176 miles, and its average breadth 45 miles.
The surface of Palestine is usually very rocky. We have for the general outlines, two mountainous and two depressed regions, all running north and south. The most striking feature of the country, upon the knowledge of which the proper understanding of its general structure depends, is the deep valley of the Jordan, which divides it into two unequal parts; the western, which is the land of Canaan proper, and the eastern, which includes Gilead and Bashan.
This valley is an immense rift, extending all the way from Antioch on the north to the Gulf of Akabah on the south, through more than eight degrees of latitude.
In the lowest part of this valley, shut in on either side by precipitous, frowning cliffs, lies the Dead Sea, more than 1300 feet below the level of the Mediterranean, and having also itself a depth of 1300 feet or more. Into the northern extremity of the Dead Sea rushes the Jordan through a tortuous and rapidly descending channel, to lose itself in the briny waters of the sea of death.
The valley of the Jordan has on its west side a broad and mountainous belt, extending all the way from Lebanon to the southern desert, except where it is interrupted by the plain of Esdraelon. North of this plain the hill country extends to the border of the Mediterranean, leaving only a narrow strip of level land on the seashore. There are some beautiful and fertile plains interspersed among the ridges.
South of the plain of Esdraelon the mountainous belt now under consideration sinks down abruptly on the east to the valley of the Jordan; but on the west it gradually descends into a range of lower hills, which lie between it and the great plain along the Mediterranean. It is highest in the vicinity of Hebron; and its breadth, inclusive of the line of hills on the west, is stated by Robinson to be not less then twenty-five geographical miles. The breadth of the upper part of this mountainous belt is, by the same authority, some fifteen or twenty miles.
The general direction of the belt is from north to south, while the coast of the Mediterranean trends to the southwest. Thus there is left between the sea and the hill-country a triangular plain, interrupted, in its northern part by the range of Carmel. The southern part of this plain, as far north as Lydda and Joppa, was called by the Hebrews Shepelah, that is, low country. North of Lydda and Joppa is the plain of Sharon of the Scriptures, so celebrated for its beauty and fertility, and extending to the ancient Caesarea. The length of Sharon and Shepelah taken together is not less than seventy miles. In the vicinity of Gaza the breadth of this plain is about twenty miles.
Opposite to Joppa it is not more than half that distance. North of the promontory of Carmel is the plain of Akka, or Acre.
We now come to the plain of Esdraelon before referred to, and in the Old Testament sometimes called the plain of Megiddo. This majestic plain is triangular in form. The length of its eastern side is not far from fifteen miles. The south-western side, which is skirted by the hill country of Samaria, is eighteen or twenty miles in length. The length of the northern side, which extends, in the general direction, from northwest to southeast, is about twelve miles.
This large triangle is nearly level. Thomson describes it as rolling up in long swells, like gigantic waves, and as being of unsurpassed fertility; but owing to the wretched government of the region and the consequent insecurity of life and property, it is mostly neglected and overgrown with rank weeds.
Beyond the valley of the Jordan on the east, is a high tableland, broken by deep ravines.
Viewed from the west, this high plateau, sloping down precipitately to the Jordan and Dead Sea, presents the aspect of an immense rocky wall of nearly uniform elevation. It rises from 2000 to 3000 feet above the level of the Mediterranean, to which is added, in the lower part, 1300 feet for the depression of the Dead Sea below the same level. This, as already stated, is the region of Gilead and Bashan.
Another striking feature of Palestine is its intersection everywhere by numerous ravines having a general direction of east and west. Some of these have the character of broad and fertile valleys, but most of them are gorges, sometimes of great depth with precipitous sides.
A few only of these gorges are watered by perennial streams, the rest being torrent-beds through which the waters rush with violence in the rainy season, while they are dry the rest of the year. Indeed, the rivers of Palestine are chiefly winter torrents, the beds of which are dry in summer. Even the Kishon, "that ancient river," which drains the east side of Carmel, is said to be a dry bed during most of its course, except in the wet season, when it rises to a great height. With the exception of the Leotes, which drains the valley between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon ranges, and passes through the northern part of Palestine proper, on its way to the Mediterranean, the Jordan may be said to be the only permanent river of Palestine. Many articles might be written in regard to this wonderful river, and then leave much unsaid.

- Home
- A Beautiful Incident
- A Cure For Anger
- A Bad Habit
- A Baked Bible
- A Bible Story
- A Boy Rescued
- A Brief Narrative
- A Child Faith
- A Cure For Discontent
- A Curl Cut Off
- A Dark Picture
- A Dying Exhortation
- A Faithful Shepherd
- A Father To Child
- A Few Words
- A Good Name
- A Good Old Man
- A Lamb On The Battle
- A Little Heroine
- A More Excellent Way
- A Mother's Influence
- A Mother's prayer
- A Night In Log House
- A Painful But True
- A Poor Memory
- A Precious Gift
- A Sad Story
- A Short Lesson
- A Silent Teacher
- A Soft Answer
- A Story For Children
- A Story For Little Ones
- A Striking Question
- A Summer Day
- A Sure Helper
- A Talk With The Boys
- A Thankful Heart
- A Thoughtless Boy
- A True Story Of A Sailor
- A Walk Among Trees
- A Wonderful Machine
- About Getting Lost
- Advent Bible
- Aggie's New Friend
- Almenia A Deaf Girl
- An Anchor Of Safety
- An Escape From Drowning
- An Experience
- An Incident Of Slaves
- An Incident While Riding
- An Incident Of A Christian
- An Indian's Gift
- Are You Angry Pa
- Are You Ready
- Asking Father
- August In Old England
- Aunt Hagar On The Rock
- Autumn
- Bad Money
- Barren Tree
- Be Careful Of Your Words
- Be Firm
- Be Kind
- Be Kind In Little Things
- Be Kind To Thy Father
- Be Kind To Your Sister
- Be Merciful
- Be Punctual
- Be Slow To Accuse
- Beacon Lights
- Bees In Peru
- Benevolence
- Benevolence By Brothers
- Benevolent System
- Bertha's Graveyard
- Best Treasure
- Bird Studies
- Blind Girl
- Boy Would Not Get Mad
- Bread Upon The Waters
- Camel's Hump
- Carrie Gale's Disobedience
- Catching sunspots
- Charity
- Children Can Do Good
- Children Play With Bear
- Children's Fears
- Chip Reading
- Choices Foolish Wise
- Christ's New Little Girl
- Chuck Full Of The Bible
- Cling To Jesus
- Close Of The Year
- Come To Jesus
- Come Unto Me
- Coming Tide
- Consider
- Contentment
- Contentment Now
- Cornelia's Wish
- Cured By Kindness
- Curious Customs
- Cyrus
- Danger Of Procrastination
- Dear Children
- Dean Thomas
- Dear Children --Weep
- Dear Young Friends
- Deceitful Flowers
- December
- Delia
- Desire
- Died For Me
- Discipline
- Disobedience To Parents
- Do As You Would Be
- Do More For Mother
- Do You Know Jesus
- Do You Thank God
- Do You Want Religion
- Doing Good
- Don't Act A Lie
- Don't Be Too Certain
- Drowning The Squirrel
- Dying
- Each Can DO Some
- Eddie's Lunch Basket
- Eddie's Sermon
- Education And Crime
- Effects Of Reading
- Employment Of Time
- Escapes Of Rafaravy
- Even A Child
- Evil Practices
- Feel Like It
- Filial Kindness
- Finger Marks
- Five Answers
- For The Little Ones
- Forbid Them Not
- Forgiveness
- Four Pairs Of Hands
- Frank And Johnny
- Getting The Worst
- Giants
- Girls Help Your Father
- Go And Tell Jesus
- God Cares For Birds
- God's Footprints
- God Is Good
- God Protects His People
- God's Remembrance
- Golden Words
- Good For Nothing
- Gracie's Pennies
- Grandma's Story
- Grandpa's Fight
- Hand That Never Struck
- Happy Evening
- Happy For Three Pins
- Hark
- Hattie's New Dress
- Hauling The Seine
- Have Compassion
- Have You A Soul
- Have You Found Your Sin
- Having Courage
- He Could Be Trusted
- Heart And Tongue
- Heart Murder
- Heaven
- Help One Another
- Help Yourself
- Hide Me
- Hiding The Faults
- Hillel
- Hindoo Girl
- Home
- Honest Child
- Honesty
- Honor Father And Mother
- House Cleaning
- How I Came To Sabbath
- How I Enlisted
- How Needles Are
- How To Read Bible
- How To Work
- I am Going Home
- I Wait Till Morn
- I Cannot Sir
- I Didn't Think
- I Shall Kiss Mother
- Idle Words
- If One Lesson
- I'm 'Fraid
- Impressive Incident
- In Thee I Trust
- Influence Of Reading
- Invitation
- Jack Unruly Colt
- Jamie's Garden
- Jessie's Lesson
- Jesus Is Precious
- Jim Dick
- Joash
- Joseph Bates 1
- Joseph Bates 2
- Joseph Bates 3
- Joseph Bates 4
- Joseph Sold
- Kate's Forgiveness
- Kiss For A Blow
- Knitting
- Knud Iverson
- Lamb
- Language of The Cross
- Lantern
- Leaning On A Reed
- Learn To Trust
- Learning To Swear
- Led By A Child
- Lesson From Clock
- Let Children Pull
- Life Of Christ
- Life Of Christ 2
- Lift A Little
- Lillie's Birthday
- Little Blind Boy
- Little By Little
- Little Children
- Little Cords
- Little Freddy
- Little Jean
- Little Kindnesses
- Little Outcast
- Little Sins
- Little Things
- Little Wanderers
- Look At A Picture
- Look On The Bright
- Love Not The World
- Love Your Enemies
- Lucy's Victory
- Lydia And Brother
- Make Me A Christian
- Making Others Happy
- Mammoth Caves
- Martha Kinsley
- Meditation
- Meditations
- Miss Me
- Misspent Evenings
- Morning
- Mother Made It
- Mother Never Tells
- My Bible Poem
- My Childhood
- My Experience
- My Father's House
- My Master
- My Mother
- Never Hunch
- New Sight
- New Years Day
- New Years Gift
- Night Hawks
- No Perhaps
- Not Today
- Not Too Late
- Nothing But Leaves
- Nothing Lost
- Novel Fashion
- Obey God
- Obeying At Once
- Old Dog Grim
- Old Molly
- One Drop
- Only A Trifle
- Open The Prisons
- Our King
- Passing Away
- Paul's Victory
- Peace At Home
- Peaceful Sleep
- Pickets
- Please Yourself
- Pray Every Minute
- Prayer
- Prayer For Aaron
- Praying Child
- Pray Over Lessons
- Present Pleasure
- Pride
- Profanity
- Psalms 92-12
- Pull Adam Pull
- Ragged Tom
- Raining Gold
- Recollections
- Resurrection
- Riches Cannot
- Run Errands
- Ruth
- Sabbath Breaking
- Saint Patrick
- Save The Children
- Saved By Rain
- Secret Prayer
- Semiramis
- Seventy Times
- She Was A Stranger
- Short Lecture 1
- Short Lectures 2
- Sin Brings Death
- Sin Found Out
- Snow
- Somebody Loves Me
- Song Birds
- Spare Moments
- Speak The Truth
- Strong Character
- Strong In Him
- Take Care
- Talking To Jesus
- Tekel
- Tell A Lie
- Temptation
- The Broken Saw
- The Garden Of Peace
- The Peacemaker
- The Praying Girl
- The Prussian Girl
- The Sisters
- The Almond Blossoms
- The Apostle Paul
- The Barefoot Boy
- The Beautiful
- The Beggar Boy
- The Best Riches
- The Big Umbrella
- The Black Lamb
- The Boy At The Gate
- The Boy's Triumph
- The Broken Plate
- The Charmer
- The Child And Butterfly
- The Child's Answer
- The Child's Gospel
- The Circus
- The Cocoa Nut Tree
- The Comforting Hope
- The Contribution
- The Converted Negro
- The Curious Dish
- The Distrustful Bird
- The Dragon Fly
- The Earlier The Easier
- The Example Of Jesus
- The Eye Servant
- The Fall Of Pemberton
- The First Command
- The Five Peaches
- The Flower Fadeth
- The Flower Of Pleasure
- The Friend
- The Golden Pennies
- The Golden Rule
- The Grateful Tiger
- The Hinge Maker
- The Handsome Cloak
- The Heroic Servant
- The Jungle Boy
- The Lamb
- The Last Dollar
- The Liar
- The Little Blind Girl
- The Little Captives
- The Little Loaf
- The Little Swearer
- The Swiss Girl
- The Little Truant
- The Lost Boys
- The Lost Child
- The Lost Fellow
- The Lost Children
- The Man In The Dark
- The Mocking Bird
- The Narrow Way
- The Fishermen
- The Persevering Boy
- The Prayer Girl
- The Poor Slave
- The Prince And Serfs
- The Rebuke
- The Repose Of Flower
- The Robin
- The Signal Gun
- The Sleigh Ride
- The Snow
- The Squirrel Rights
- The Story Of Redemption
- The Strawberries
- The Struggle And Victory
- The Teacher's Return
- The Third Commandment
- The Three Boys
- The Turnover
- The Two Sons
- The Way
- The Well Never Dries
- The Widow's Prayer
- The Widow
- The Widow's Son
- The Wonderful Water
- The Works Of God
- The Worst Being
- They Say
- Thou God Seest
- Three Helps
- Thunder Storms
- The Little Worm Ped
- To The Boys
- To The Young
- Tower Of Repentance
- Traveler
- Tread Under Foot
- Tree Never Fades
- Trot Foot
- True Riches
- True Courage
- Trust The Lord
- Two Little Girls
- Two Faces
- Two Inheritances
- Two Proverbs
- Two Voices
- Unchecked Growth
- Uncle Crisp
- Unsaid Words
- Unseen influences
- Vain Thoughts
- Value Of Perseverence
- Waiting
- What The Clock say
- What God Has Done
- What Have you Done
- What Will Jesus Say
- What Makes A Man
- What Malachi Says
- What Grasshoppers Did
- What To Read
- What Two Apples Did
- When May Children
- Where Is Your Treasure
- Who Are Associates
- Who Prays
- Willie's Faith
- Without Affection
- Woodland Rambles
- Work For Sabbath School
- Yield A Little
- Young Christian Reflection
- The Drowned God
- David Hume
- The Holy Coat
- A Beam
- A Beautiful Answer
- A Beautiful Incident 2
- A Boy's Leisure Hours
- A Brave Boy
- A Coffee Field
- A Curious Instrument
- A Fortified City
- A Fortune Book
- A Glimpse Of Cal
- A Guilty Conscience
- A Happy New Year
- A High Standard
- A Hot Water River
- A Lesson From Snail
- A Little Boy Sermon
- A Little Candle
- A Little Child
- A Little Errand
- A Little Hero
- A Little Self
- A Novel Perfume
- A Plant With No Stalk
- A Pleasant Occasion
- A Prize Character
- A Rich Man
- A Ropewalk
- A Sabbath Stone
- A School Girl
- A Scientific Wonder
- A Sealed Postman
- A Sermon On Light
- A Sermon On Push
- A Sketch Of History
- A Sleigh Ride
- A Strange Ambition
- A Strange Clock
- A Syrian Family
- A Terrific Storm
- A Thorn In The Pillow
- A Visit To London
- A Walking Leaf
- A Wonderful Clock
- A Wonderful Stick
- A Word Spoken
- A Word For Boys
- About Proving
- About Watches
- Absalom's Rebellion
- Acquaint Now Thyself
- Acting From Principle
- After Ahab Died
- Ahab's Wicked Reign
- Ahaz And Hezekiah
- AI
- Alexandria
- Among The Flowers
- Among The Roses
- Amusements
- An Awful Story
- An Important Question
- An Old Man
- Ancient Mounds
- Antiochus Epiphanes
- Antiquity Of Umbrellas
- Archery
- Are You Growing
- Asa
- Asa's Good Reign
- Aunt Lizzie's Story
- Bad Promises
- Bank Note
- Be Prompt
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- Be True
- Beautiful Thoughts
- Behind Time
- Benhadad's Defeat
- Bernard Palissy
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- Blindness
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- Capernaum
- Carmel
- Carried Away
- Changes
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- Children Voices
- Chinese In California
- Chinese Politeness
- Chinese Stories
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- Christmas Time
- Chromos
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- Cleopatra's Needle
- Colorado
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- Confidence
- Contemporary History
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- Cost Of Tobacco
- Covenant
- Daily Bread
- Daisy's Flowers
- Daniel
- David's Flight
- David And Goliath
- David Maydole
- David Numbers The People
- David's Charge
- David's Desire
- David's Sin
- Dead Languages
- Death Of Eli
- Deborah And Barak
- Deliverance
- Demand
- Departure
- Did He Tell A Lie
- Disagreeable Habits
- Discovery Of Gas
- Do You Love Back
- Do You Match
- Do Your Best
- Dreams
- Drifting
- Droll Doings
- Eastern Beds
- Elijah Brings Fire
- Elijah Prays For Rain
- Elijah Raises The Dead
- Elijah Taken To Heaven
- Elise Le Mont
- Elisha's Miracles
- Ella's Garden
- Ellens Key
- Emery Ore
- Esdraelon
- Every Day Heroism
- Exaggeration
- Eyes And No Eyes
- Facts About Varnish
- Faith
- Famine In Samaria
- Filial Love
- First Lessons
- Fitly Answered
- Floating Gardens
- Florie's Birthday
- Follow Copy
- Foolscap Paper
- For Boys
- For Christ's Sake
- For Me
- Fords Of Jordan
- Forgive
- Freedom For Pets
- From History Abraham
- From History Jews Captive
- From History Rome Builds
- From History Rome
- From History State
- From History Jerusalem
- From Sea To Sea 1
- From Sea To Sea 2
- Gedaliah
- George's Reason
- Gideon And The Angel
- Gideon's army
- Girls Look Here
- Glass Garments
- Go Because It Rains
- God's Acre
- God's Care
- God's Life Book
- Gold and Silver Mine
- Golden Moments
- Good Advice
- Good Resolutions
- Grandmother's Visit
- Grandpa's Example
- Harry's Lesson
- Harry's Stratagem
- Have A Choice
- Herod The Great
- Herrings For Nothing
- History Of Bells
- Hitting The Mark
- Honesty Rewarded
- Honor Bright
- Honor Thy Father
- How Do You Meet
- How Many Were There
- How Rain Is Formed
- How Rubber Shoes
- How Slate Pencils
- How Strong Is God
- How Sunday School
- How The Fuchsia
- How The Months
- How To Be Gentleman
- How To Be Beautiful
- How To Read
- How To See A Seed
- How To Thank
- How To Treat Brother
- Hungry Children Fed
- I am The Shepherd
- I Am Bid
- I Prayed For Them
- Illusions
- In Another Battle
- In The Streets
- In The Sunshine
- Incidents Of Wilder
- Independence Day
- Indian Corn
- Influence
- Iron Swims
- Iron Shod
- Is There A God
- Is Your Note Good
- Israel Cross Jordan
- Israel Multiplies
- It Comes From Above
- It Isn't Mine
- It's Ours
- Jehoshaphat
- Jehu
- Jericho
- Jeroboam Leads
- Jerusalem Destroyed
- Jerusalem
- Jessie's Help
- Jews
- John's Account
- Johnny
- Jonah's Preaching
- Josiah
- Jotham
- Judging Israel
- June
- Just Caught
- Keep A Light
- Keep Thyself Pure
- Keep Your Promise
- Keep His Word
- Kindness
- King And Queen
- King Belshazzar
- Kings Of Judah
- Knocking Knees
- Known By His Walk
- Lamp To My Feet
- Learn To Remember
- Learn To Think
- Learning
- Leaves
- Lesson
- Life's Great Object
- Life A Failure
- Life Of Our Saviour
- Lighthouses
- Listen Carefully
- Little Christians
- Little Margaret
- Little Scotch
- Little Such Things
- 'LL No Trust Ye
- Look Out
- Looking For Papa
- Lucky Friday
- Luther Snow Song
- Mabel's Secret
- Make Home Pleasant
- Make Some Happy
- Make Sabbath
- Make Beginning
- Making Sunshine
- Manasseh
- Manasseh-Josiah
- Manner Of Burial
- Manners
- Maple Sugar
- Marble Block
- Martyrdom
- Maude And Lizzie
- May And Might
- Measureless Love
- Mercy And Wrath
- Milan Cathedral
- Mine And Thine
- Miss Vanity
- Mistakes
- More War
- Mother
- Mourning
- Mount Carmel
- Murmured
- Music
- Naaman The Syrian
- Naboth's Vineyard
- Name
- Nature
- Nature's Spring
- Nazareth
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Nehemiah
- Ninety And Nine
- NO
- Nobleman
- Notes On Bible
- Novel Playhouse
- Novel Reading
- Now Here
- Nutmegs
- Obey Mother
- OH I Forgot
- Oil On Water
- Old Testament
- Only A Pin
- Oranges
- Origin Of Plants
- Origin Of Christmas
- Our Christ
- Our Daily Cup
- Our Blessings
- Our Little Washer
- Our Lord's Miracles
- Our Thoughts
- Over In A Minute
- Overcoming
- Palestine
- Palestine Features
- Palms
- Paper Barrels
- Passages In Garfield
- Patience
- Paul's Lesson
- Pay Your Debt
- Pearls
- Pearl's Thanks
- Perfect Faith
- Perpetual
- Philip And Effie
- Pins
- Pins And Needles
- Plan To Come
- Plants
- Pleasures
- Plums
- Powers Of The Air
- Prayer Answered
- Present Truth
- Presidential Electors
- Prophecy Of Babylon
- Prophet Daniel
- Prosperous Belgium
- Protected
- Proud King
- Province Of Galilee
- Pull Together
- Queer Tom
- Raising Tomatoes
- Ransoms
- Rapids
- Read The Bible
- Real Presents
- Rebellion
- Rebuild The Temple
- Recapitulation
- Rehoboam
- Remember Ebal
- Repentance
- Resolution No 3
- Rest
- Results Of Accidents
- Return Of Jews
- Ride Through Kent
- Right To The Habit
- River
- Rob's Magic Mirror
- Rocky Mountain
- Rome And Britain
- Rosetta Stone
- Royal Guests
- Ruined
- Rural Life
- Sackcloth Ashes
- Samaria
- Samuel And David
- Samuel's Call
- Samuel Reproves
- Samuel's Prayer
- Saul Anointed
- Saul Then David
- Says So
- Scenes Of Galilee
- Scraps From History
- Secret Meeting
- Seed By The Way
- Seed Sown
- Self Respect
- Sewing Aches
- Shall We Pray
- Shut Eyes Tight
- Signal Lights
- Silent Influence
- Silver Smelting
- Simple Kra's Gift
- Sin
- Sitting Up
- Six Months On Ice
- Sketch Of Babylon
- Slide Along
- So How Long
- So Only A Flower
- Soap Bubbles
- Societies
- Solomon
- Some Advice
- Some Day
- Somebody
- Something For Girls
- Something New
- Something To Carry
- Somewhere Blue Sky
- Sowing Little Seeds
- Sowing Time
- Splicing The Ladder
- Standing For Right
- Stars
- Stick To Your Tree
- Story Of Flower
- Strange Food
- Strike The Knot
- Striking
- Sugar Making
- Surnames
- Susie's Exam
- Syrian Army
- Tabernacle
- Talk It Over
- Taught
- Teach The Samaritans
- Teacher Is Hidden
- Tell Your Mother
- Telling The Lord
- Temple
- Tested
- Texas
- That's How
- The Aborigines
- The Accurate Boy
- The Air
- The Anchor
- The Apostle John
- The Baptism
- The Baptist
- The Bible
- The Bible The Root
- The Bird Of Two
- The Birth Of Christ
- The Birth Of John
- The Black Rock
- The Blue Bead
- The Book Of Nature
- The Boyhood Of Jesus
- The Burial Of Joseph
- The Buttes
- The Call Of Matthew
- The Captain Slain
- The Carpet Weaver
- The Celestial Road
- The Child Dyke
- The Clam
- The Climate
- The Color Of Gem
- The Cost Of Care
- The Cousins
- The Crown Of England
- The Dedication
- The Difference
- The Dream Fulfilled
- The Fiery Furnace
- The First Newspaper
- The First Fruit
- The First Miracle
- The First Prayer
- The First Psalm
- The First Snow
- The First Step
- The First Wrong
- The Flight
- The Fresh Hour
- The Garden
- The Gate Shut
- The Giant Sin
- The Gibeonites
- The Gift Of God
- The Gospel Alphabet
- The Great Master
- The Great Wall
- The Gulf Stream
- The Halfway Place
- The Hardest Thing
- The Healed Servant
- The Heart Gardens
- The Holy Land
- The Homes Of Jesus
- The Ignis Fatuus
- The Influence
- The Irish Boy
- The Isle Of Cyprus
- The Jingle Bells
- The Kingdom Divided
- The Land Of Moab
- The Last
- The Leading Hand
- The Left Glove
- The Light
- The Lighthouse
- The Little Baby
- The Little Girl
- The Little Orphans
- The Little Songstress
- The Logic Of Life
- The Lord Knoweth
- The Lord Is God
- The Losings Bank
- The Lost Boy
- The Lotus
- The Maccabees
- The Magnet
- The Man Who
- The Microscope
- The Midnight Sun
- The Milk Tree
- The Moment Of Peril
- The Moon
- The Mount
- The Mysteries
- The Native Of Kilda
- The Natural Bridge
- The Nettle Tree
- The New Dress
- The Nobleman
- The Northern Lights
- The Old Monk
- The Old School
- The Oldest Book
- The Passover
- The Passover 2
- The People Of Arabia
- The Picnic
- The Planet Mercury
- The Preacher John
- The Present
- The Price Paid
- The Privilege
- The Prophet Jeremiah
- The Prophets
- The Pyramids
- The Resurrection
- The Rich Noble
- The River Jordan
- The River Nile
- The Runaway
- The Sabbath Cradle
- The Safe Retreat
- The Sailor Boy
- The Saviour's Invitation
- The School
- The Sea Of Galilee
- The Second Passover
- The Second Temple
- The Seven Wonders
- The Shipwrecked
- The Shunammite
- The Sin Of Lying
- The Skeptic
- The Sleep Of Flowers
- The Snowball
- The Sowing
- The Spring Comes
- The Starry Crowns
- The Stepping Stones
- The Stinging Tree
- The Stone Lamb
- The Sunbeam
- The Testimony
- The Three Sieves
- The Time To Be
- The Time
- The Tongue
- The Traveler's Tree
- The True Riches
- The Twelve Apostles
- The Useful Plant
- The Victoria Regia
- The Visit Of Wisemen
- The Waldensian
- The Water Lily
- The Water Mill
- The Way Effie Helped
- The Whole Class
- The Wilderness
- The Willful Boy
- The Woman
- The Wonderful Asbestos
- The Yosemite Valley
- The Young Gardener
- There Is One God
- These Little Strings
- Thine Is The Power
- This Coal Oil Johnny
- This Is Given
- Though Fearful
- Those Giant Mts
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtless Fun
- Three Hands
- Throne Of Judah
- Time
- Time To Study
- Tis For Love
- To Avoid Bad Books
- To Be Sure
- To Bear Burdens
- To Egypt
- To Galilee
- To Help People
- To Love
- To Smyrna
- Tobacco
- Tommy's Rabbits
- Too Bad
- Too Late
- Touch Of Faith
- Town Of Bethlehem
- Trip To California
- Triumphal Arches
- Troubles
- True Boy
- True Gentlemen
- Trust In Jesus
- Truth
- Try It
- Two Good Hands
- Two Of Ned's Rudders
- Two Poisons
- Two Ways
- Tyre And Sidon
- Unbelief
- Under The Sea
- Valley Of Petra
- Vast Colorado
- Very Fast
- Very Good Habit
- Very Sad Lesson
- Victory
- Visit To A Poet
- Visit To Nazareth
- Vitality Of Seeds
- Walter Entertained
- Want God's Pictures
- Watches
- Waves
- Wayside Scenes
- Wait Till You Know
- Wardrobe
- Water
- Well
- Well Do You Know
- Westward Bound
- Wharf
- What A Brave Boy
- What Came Of It
- What Have I Done
- What Is Sweeter
- What Is Your Copy
- What Kelsey Learned
- What Made Two--
- What The Rain Taught
- What To Give
- Wheat
- Wheat Fields
- When Knives
- When The Last Rays
- Where Alsatian
- Where Are The Cliff
- Where Is My Influence
- Where Is That Boy
- Where Jesus Taught
- Which Seed Are You
- Which Is Penitent
- Which Way Do You
- Who Will Be Ready
- Whom Can You Trust
- Why Are There Three
- Why Did He Learn
- Why Was Ethel
- Why Not Keep
- Why Was Christ
- Wicked Thoughts
- Wide Circuit
- Wild Flowers
- Wilderness
- Will And A Way
- Will He Succeed
- Will
- Willie's Violets
- Windsor Castle
- Wish
- Wolf Monument
- Wonderful Clock
- Wonderful Mother
- Wonderful Sights
- Wood
- Words To Girls
- Words To Boys
- Work
- Work Attention
- Work Before Play
- Work For All
- Work Footprints
- Working Dreaming
- Worthy Humble
- Wreckers
- Wycliffe
- Yearning For Jesus
- Yes My Grace Is
- Yet Not Useless
- Yosemite Valley
- You Better Watch Out
- You Can Consider
- You Are A Little
- Your Parents
- Your Word Is Sufficient
- Youth
- Youth Instructor
- Youthful Manners
- Zest Of Rice
- A Carpet
- A cross-look
- A grape-gatherer
- A dripping-well
- A Queer Way
- A Single Worm
- A Very Bad Habit
- A Walled Lake
- A Waterfall
- Abideth Forever
- Alice's Talent
- Curious Plants
- Curious Watches
- Five Cents
- Gethsemane
- Heal The Paralytic
- How Clinton
- How Children Play
- How Tower Clocks
- Jerusalem Now
- Still The Tempest
- John's Object Lesson
- Lot's Wife
- Mozart
- Origin Of Names
- Patience And Charity
- Perfect Trust
- Pleasant
- Power Of Voice
- Prove It
- Remember The Sabbath
- Resisted
- She Could
- Sketches Holy Land
- Tea Gardens
- The Clock Ticking
- The Dead Sea
- The Death Of John
- The Death Of Presidents
- The Disciples
- The Great Cataract
- The Gypsies
- The Japanese
- The Mustard Tree
- The Northern Sea
- The Orphan's Friend
- The Phoenician Coast
- The Power
- The Regalia
- The Thousand Islands
- True Politeness
- We Wanted To Come
- What Nettie Needed
- What The Flowers Said
- Why Everybody Is Cross