Have You Found Your Sin?

A MINISTER was preaching one evening from

these words, "Be sure your sin will find you

out." He said many stirring things about sin

finding out those who committed it, and among

others this: "If you do not find out your sin,

and bring it to Calvary to get it pardoned and

washed away through the blood of Jesus, 

be sure your sin will find you out, and bring you

 to the Judgment Seat to be condemned and sent

 away by Jesus into the punishment of hell-fire."

A little girl who had told her mother a lie before

she came to meeting, was listening, and she

thought, "O that lie! I must either find it and

bring it to Calvary, or it will find me at the

great day, and cause me to be sent to hell." The

child was greatly alarmed. She became very

anxious about her soul's salvation. She cared for

nothing earthly; her mind was entirely occupied

with thoughts of things spiritual and eternal.

She was so convicted she could not rest until

 she went and told the minister all the 


She walked some ways to see him, and the

 burden of her errand was this, 

"O, what shall I do with my sin ?"

He said, "Lay it upon the spotless Lamb of

God, and he will take it entirely away. Let us

now lay it upon him," said the good man, and

he knelt down with the penitent child, and 

commended her to Jesus, that great Shepherd 

of the sheep. He spoke to her words whereby she

might be saved, and she went home. The next

time the minister saw her she came to him with

a smiling countenance, and he took her by the

hand and said, "Well, have you laid your sin

upon the spotless Lamb of God?" "Oh yes,"

she replied, "and I'll never lay there any more."

"Never lay there any more." 0 how childlike,

yet how like the experience of the Lambs of


fold. She meant that she was determined

never to sin again. She would never more tell

a falsehood! Her heart was so full of love to

Jesus for taking away her sin, that she could not

think it possible that she should sin again. And

that is the true mark of a Christian, that he

 resolves to "sin no more."

Dear children, have you laid your sin on Jesus?

A sure mark of it will be this: that you

will wish from the bottom of your heart never to

have any more to lay upon him. Reader, did

you ever tell a falsehood? "Be sure your sin

will find you out," and "all liars shall have their

part in the lake that burneth with fire and

brimstone." There is nothing that makes you

so much like the Devil as lying; "for he is a liar,

and the father of it." And if you live and

die a liar, you will certainly be punished with

him. O, how dreadful! To have our place at last

with the Devil and his angels! But if you would

escape the liar's doom, refrain from the liar's

practice. Take lying and every other sin 

(O search for them all,) and lay them all on 

Jesus; for unless you do so now, they will find

 you out at last, and be your tormentors in the

 day of Judgment.