The Last Dollar

BY the roadside in the village of C., was 

a wounded man; not a friend was near to 

minister to his wants. A poor young man who

 was passing, hastened to the side of the 

sufferer, raised him up, and supplied his wants. 

He had but one dollar in the world, but he 

cheerfully gave that to the sick man as he left


A year passed, and this young man was

wrecked at sea. When the ship went down he

seized a plank to which he clung all the long

night. When the morning had dawned, he beheld

a sail far out on the deep; it halts, a boat

puts out and comes towards him; on the top of

the wave he hears a voice cry, "Hold tight!" 

He goes down between the waves, and rises 

with the next billow. The voice shouts, "Cling

 fast, I am coming!" He goes down again, and as

 he mounts the next surge, who does he see

 guiding the helm, but the very man to whom he

 had given his last dollar.

"Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou

shalt find it after many days. 

Temperance Visitor

COME, children, thank the Lord with me,

That he has made us know,

The words of love, which from above,

In blessed Scripture flow.