A CLERGYMAN'S son, one day last winter, was amusing himself with his velocipede. 

He was carelessly dashing along at full speed, intending to cross the railway track, when a train came thundering over the road. There was but one course to pursue. 

He could not stop the impetus of his vehicle; to attempt it would be certain death. 

So he dashed across within reaching distance of the engine. The slightest jar of his wheel, a pebble in his way, a little unsteadiness of his own, and his doom was sealed. Do you suppose any sum of money would induce him again to run such a risk?

A boy was sliding down hill, and in the excitement and enjoyment of the sport, he forgot to watch for danger. His path ran over the railroad track, and as he was almost upon it, he saw a slowly moving freight train passing along. To stop was impossible, and he dashed on, just passing between two heavily laden cars. The slow rate of motion was all that saved him. But he will never go down that hill so recklessly again. It will serve as a warning to other boys, also, who witnessed his peril.

What a pity that boys will not take warning by the greater danger, the sadder fate, of so many men and boys about them!

We see lads every day in town standing on the steps of the billiard-saloon and the tobacconist's shop, who are in infinitely greater danger than either of these lads. 

They are suffering themselves to be drawn into a maelstrom, from which there will be no retreat. They are preparing for a plunge into the fearful gulf of intemperance, where both body and soul will be swallowed up. Look over into this gulf. Listen to the fearful cries, that come up, and can you, dare you, risk the plunge? The moment of deepest peril for you, is the one when you take up your first glass, or smoke your first cigar. 

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